
A.S. Gold of Sizir prologue

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Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Sh'ishr'aj, or Frozen Bite. I'm 28 years old, and am King Yāt’ashl'irr's, or Swift River's, top explore. I'm also his adopted niece ever since my parents were killed in a border dispute with some Izarans. My mate's name is M'ashùsht'arr, or Moon Shadow, and he is 30. He's part of my adopted uncle's guard. Sure, his cape may only be green, but he'll get promoted soon, I know it. He has the makings of a fine leader. He may even be king one day. I believe he has it in him. I know he believes he can achieve the goal, but he has said he is happy where he is. He's good friends with my adopted uncle.

My fur is a mix of white, stone grey, and light grey patterns. My eyes, which frighten some and intrigue others, are deep blue with red pupils. Strange, I know. But M'ashùsht'arr loves my eyes. Speaking of him, he has the pattern of a husky... and the bluest eyes I've ever seen. Really, they are stunning. Reminds me of the glacier ice that lurks under the ocean. I'm the reckless and headstrong one of the relationship, whereas he's the more cautious one. But we both love adventure, that's for sure.

One night we were out on the balcony of our room in the King's palace. Our heads were turned up to the stars. I had heaved a sigh. M'ashùsht'arr had looked over at me with concern. "What's wrong?" he had asked. I looked a him. "Nothin'... It's just that there hasn't been much excitement or adventure as of late," I said. He gave me a lopsided grin. "So, that rebellion wasn't enough ADVENTURE or EXCITEMENT for you?" he snickered. I gave him a glare as I rubbed the scars near my neck. "You little son of a k'orrèsh(1). I ought to kick your ass," I snarled.

He raised his hands. "Kidding! Those orrèsh(2) put up more of a fight then expected. They're vicious little buggers," he admited, then rubbed his shoulder. "That one got my shoulder pretty damn good," he muttered. I chuckled. "I meant adventure like exploration and the thrill that danger brings. Like that one time in Ishk’af Caverns(3)-" "Where you almost died?" he cut in. I gave him a glare. "Yes, that one," I growled. "I may have nearly died, but I had never felt more alive!"

"Always one for thrills, Sh'ishr'aj," my mate chuckled. I smacked him upside his head, earning a yelp from him. "What was that for?" he whined. "Being a v’eshkār'osh(4)," I said, smirking. He huffed, but a smile soon appeared. Before he could say more, a shooting star arched across the clear night sky. "Oi! Look!" I said, pointing. "Quick! Wish for your ADVENTURE!" M'ashùsht'arr yelled jokingly. I chuckled and wished. "I wish for the adventure of a lifetime! I wish for action, mystery, and danger! Send me on a Treasure Hunt, oh glorious star!" 

The star was gone as soon as it appeared. "That's a tall order you just put in there, ushshā(5)," the king of Yataza, Yāt’ashl'irr, remarked as he walked in behind us, his silver fur shinning in the bright moon light as his stunning blue eyes shine with amusement. I turned to him and smirked. "You know me. Always one for a challenge," I said. He chuckled. "Aye, regrettably I DO know you," he teased. I huffed in mock offense. "Well, I never!" I scoffed in a fake snobby and arrogant tone as I placed a hand over my heart.

The two males busted out laughing. "Geez, ushshā, you sound like a prissy upperclass snob!" Yāt’ashl'irr yelled as he and my mate laughed their heads off. "And you two sound like possessed hyenas," I teased, remembering the time I saw one of the animals normally found in Tathara. They got their laughing under control, and then my mate asked, "So, you really want to go on a treasure hunt? You would have to leave us behind you know. We both must stay here with in the capital." 

"There there, ushkā(6)," I said with mock sympathy, smirking as I patted his shoulder. "Oi! Who you calling ' ushkā'? I'm two years your senior!" M'ashùsht'arr yelled in false anger, putting his ears back. "Fine. There there, oshkā(7)," I purred. "Oh, so now I'm an old man? Make up your bloody mind!" M'ashùsht'arr yelled, but he was grinning like a fool. "But in all seriousness, he is right, ushshā. We couldn't leave the capitol. And neither can you. We need you here," Yāt’ashl'irr pointed out with a tail twitch and ear flick. 

I chuckled softly. "Don't worry, ol' chaps," I say, mocking my mate's accent, causing a comical frown to form on said Azara's face. "I won't be going anywhere. I wouldn't leave you for all the adventure in the Yāt’ashā," I said, stepping close to my mate and giving him a reassuring lick on his cheek. He smirked. "So, what about in all the northern regions?" he asked, causing Yāt’ashl'irr to speak up. 

"Now, we all know the only reason ushshā would leave Yāt’ashā. She would have to be forced against her will," he said. I laughed. "Boys, you guys are overreacting! After all, wishes made on shooting stars don't come true," I reassured them. They laughed along with me. "She has a point," my adopted uncle chuckled. "Aye," my mate added, and we chuckled about it for a while.

Damn, we NEVER could have even IMAGINED what would happened over the next few months. It all started the day after I had made my wish. I was going to the market place to investigate some suspicious activity dealing with a petty law breaker who was causing mischief and, by my adopted uncle's order, I went alone. I had spotted my target, and was closing in. But he lost me in the crowd. And soon after that was when I met...

Here is the OFFICIAL prologue for Gold of Sizir. Tell me what you think! 

1) k'orrèsh- human slave. Where used to address an Azara it is considered a swear word.
2) orrèsh- human
3) Ishk’af Caverns- 'Crystal Caverns', a cave in Yataza near the capital
v’eshkār'osh - bloody idiot
5) ushshā- kid (fem.)
6) ushkā - kid (mas.)
7) oshkā - Elder (mas.)
© 2015 - 2024 FrostbittenTiger
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AstarGoldenwing's avatar
I love your writing style, and I enjoyed reading this! :D The characters are so full of life, and I love all the references to the past adventures of Zithraj and Mazuthtar. :)

Also, I got to say that I'm always slow to catch up to updates, so my comments will often come in late. Sweating a little...